Category Archives: Travel

Israel Trip June 2014


This post is just about general Israel stuff from the last trip.  It’s not about family and friends, but about things I saw on the last trip to Israel. For pictures of Sela in Israel, check out the Sela Stream, which will soon be succeeded by The Grateful Odeds.

Now for the Israel Trip

The Ride

Peugeot 301. Brand spankin’ new.

Around Rehovot


For Sale In Tel Aviv

Around Tel Aviv

For Sale In Jerusalem

Jerusalem Festival of Light

We caught the closing night of the 6th Jerusalem Festival of Light. The Old City of Jerusalem was adorned with light exhibits made by artists around the world. Here’s a few things we saw:

Tower of Light by Luminarie De Cagna

Tower of Light by Luminarie De Cagna

The Garden of Dreams by Luminarie De Cagna

The Garden of Dreams by Luminarie De Cagna