Meat Stuffed Matza Balls

A Matza Ball With A Suprise

This is an original recipe. It’s basically a matza ball with a ground beef filling in the middle. It’s a distant cousin to kubbeh soup: a Kurdish delicacy. It quickly became a highly anticipated dish at each family seder.

A few years ago, the Leonard Lopate Show on WNYC asked listeners to post their matza ball recipes on their show page. I posted mine, and to my surprise, I got a call from the station asking me if I would be willing to talk about it on the show with Leonard and his guest, Jewish cookbook author Joan Nathan. I decided that I needed to create an online step-by-step guide for making them.

The Podcast

Here’s a link to the Leonard Lopate show about Matza Balls:
I make my appearance at about 19:00 minutes into the show.

The Method

Here’s a flickr album with step by step directions showing how how they’re made:

Men use language to exchange information or to make each other laugh.  Women use language to show support. 

Whatever can be accomplished by slowing down can also, most probably, be accomplished by speeding up.

AWBA: Assholes Will Be Assholes.  If someone is rude to you, you might wonder, “why does this person need to act this way?” The answer: AWBA.