Montclair Bat Mitzvahs, Two Sabbas and The Swamp

DJ Stories

Bat mitzvah schedule scribbled on a cocktail napkin. Sometimes this is all the direction that’s necessary.

This week I added two posts to Philly Custom DJ. One is the story about a wedding at historic Prallsville Mills in Stockton, NJ (right across from New Hope). The other is about a bat mitzvah at Bnai Keshet in Montclair. I was inspired to write about the latter because I attended a bat mitzvah in Montclair as a guest this week, and got to reconnect with bunch of families that I worked with. Hope to be back up there again soon, on either side of the DJ booth.

I’ve also begun to solicit reviews from former clients through wedding wire.  If I was the DJ at your wedding, bat mitzvah, birthday party, book release party, cruise or purim party, then please, click this button.

Sela’s First Bat Mitzvah

wpid-PhotoGrid_1390539731119.pngThe bat mitzvah I mentioned earlier was the first one that Sela ever attended. When the music started, she clapped her hands yelling, “capayyim!” (It means clapping in Hebrew). When the dancing started she insisted on getting into it. She didn’t want to be held, she wanted to dance! With no fear of being trampled, she made her way to the center of the circle to dance with the bat mitzvah and her mother.

In other Sela related news, she got to see both sabbas this week: Saba La La and Sababa.

The potty training isn’t going all that well. She’s definitely go the texting on the toilet part down.

For full coverage, check out the Sela Stream.

Throwback Thursday

This 1989 picture is from my first apartment in Jerusalem, nicknamed “The Swamp.” The table was home made using construction materials and a piece of glass. The wooden chairs were painted grey with a single bar of color in the back. The lamp was a bowl with a hole drilled through it. My glasses are the big stupid late 80s glasses that were popular at the time. I’m not even going to try explaining the yellow sweatpants. I’m just going to own it.

The best part about posting this picture was reconnecting with old friends who haven’t seen this place, or me, or eachother, in a long long time.