New Mixes, New DJ Lights and a Pie Baby

Two New Mixes This Week

Connected Devices

The last two Spotify playlists that I made for myself were a little long.  Elbow, which I still listen to pretty regularly, has 58 songs.  Avocado Foot has 52 songs.  I don’t think other people can digest that much music at once.  When I was making mixes on CDs, they would be limited to 80 minutes, and were generally well received by people.  So when my current playlist reached the 80 minute mark, I decided to call it a mix.

What’s on it? Why did I call it Connected Devices?  Find out here.

Independent Workout

I also released a workout mix this week.  This one has a indie music from the past 5 years, and I was using it for running before this polar vortex made it too damn cold.

Listen here.

Brand New Lights

I splurged and got some new DJ lights.  I gave away or returned all my DJ lights a few years ago because they took up too much space and were a hassle to deal with.  But they’ve made quite a few advances in DJ light technology over the past few years.  LEDs make the lights smaller, lighter and cooler.  So I picked up two Chauvet Slim Par 56s and hooked them up to each other with one set to change lights based on the music and the other one to imitate the first one.

Here’s a demonstration:

I plan to use these at the Sweet 16 that I’m DJing this weekend.

Pie Baby

Tpie.pnghis past weekend we took Sela to the Please Touch Museum.  This is a regular thing for us since we’re members.  She loves it there.

This week was the first time we gave her pie.  I’m not sure how much she liked eating it, but she definitely liked getting it into her hair.

For more cuteness, check out the Sela Stream.

Throwback Thursday

The summer of 2004 was my second as the resident DJ of house in the Hamptons.  We built a bar in the basement called The Regal Beagle.  When I posted this picture, I got a great response from the Hamptons crew: an odd mix of Syrian Jews from Brooklyn, Persian Jews from Long Island and Neurotic Jews from the Upper West Side.  Klang!